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Hello, my name is Isabel Bonilla, I have 3 children, one of 24, 22, 10 and a 1-year-old baby, a beautiful boy, I have been working since I was 6 years old, I suffered all kinds of abuse, many times I asked myself why I? Why me ?


Now I understand that fine gold goes through fire to be tested. He wants to tell you, for a long time we tried with my husband to have our last child I wanted him to be a boy, in the attempt I lost 4 pregnancies I still cry for each one of them, I understood that the time is not ours but God's, one day I woke up with The desire to do a pregnancy test due to a dream I had the night before, where God was saying in my ear, today you will have what you asked me so much with tears in your garlic, I went to the bathroom and surprise, it came out positive, I could not Believe, jump, cry, laughed with joy thanking God so much for that beautiful moment, I felt that time stopped that there was only me and that baby who was weighing himself to own my entire life.

The months passed, it was a stage that Enjoy yourself to the fullest, the moment of delivery has arrived, the day dreamed of, Finally in my arms, someone so beautiful, small, fragile with that unmistakable smell and those pink quinces, when I saw her face I realized that something was happening with my baby, breathe and enjoy that moment with my son, at 2 hours a specialist arrived and gave me the news that my baby came with Down Syndrome, at that moment my fears weighed my questions about why so?


The next day the specialist again told us that we have to take her baby with us, because she is not eating, her defenses are very low, her temperature went unbalanced and other things, when she moved away with my baby in her arms I thought what worse, I cried so much with fear and I prayed to God that He would please let me because I loved him I accepted him exactly as he sent me and for some reason my baby was there being part of our lives, God allowed us. Our son has changed my way of seeing life with its condition taught me to see more.


With the eyes of the soul, he taught me that moms who have babies like mine can do more than we imagine, My baby is the inspiration  of my Logo of my store and that is why it has the colors of Down Syndrome. He is my motivation and many more surprises will come, I hope that my story is a light and hope for moms who, like me, have children with this condition and inspire them to get ahead. Life sometimes tires, sometimes it  hurts, it is not perfect, no it is easy it is not fair it is not eternal but nevertheless it is very beautiful and it gives us opportunities to start, love, forgive and continue on the path if God walks with you.

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